#SDG16Now Campaign
Unite for Peaceful, Just & Inclusive Societies
#SDG16Now is a global civil society campaign to support accelerated action towards SDG16+ around peaceful, just and inclusive societies. At the halfway point to the 2030 delivery date for the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda, governments and the international community must seize upcoming opportunities (including the Summit of the Future, World Social Summit and Financing for Development Conference) to reinvigorate commitments and financing for SDG16+, to bring progress towards the SDGs back on track.

Why SDG16+?
The world faces a convergence of global crises around good governance, armed conflict and impunity for human rights violations. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – which commits states to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity- recognizes that there can be no sustainable development without peace and no peace without sustainable development.
Goal 16 of the SDGs (SDG16+) represents the world’s most ambitious plan to address conflict, corruption and closing civic space through fostering more peaceful, just and inclusive societies.

Why the #SDG16Now Campaign?
Overall, the global community is behind schedule on achieving the SDG’s ambitious targets, including SDG16+. The world faces the pressing reality that, in many countries and communities, progress towards sustainable development is backsliding. The #SDG16Now Campaign provides a crucial platform for a broad range of SDG16+ stakeholders to advocate for renewed commitments, increased resourcing and civil society space to advance SDG16+. Bringing together a host of experts and organizations leading across the SDG16 landscape, the #SDG16Now Campaign demonstrates the leadership role of civil society.
What We’re Calling For
Mobilize Transformative Commitments for SDG16+
Strengthen and Catalyze Robust Financing for SDG16+
Recognize and Harness the Indispensable Role of Civil Society for SDG16+’
Campaign Objectives
Whether you are a civil society organization, state, UN agency, business or philanthropic group the #SDG16Now Campaign presents various options to help realize the development and human rights aspirations enshrined in SDG16+. Explore the below opportunities to advocate, connect and mobilize for transformative commitments and renewed resourcing for SDG16+.
To mobilize civil society and all stakeholders to publicly call for transformative action on SDG16+
2. Advocate
To advocate for governments to commit to accelerated action and additional
resourcing to realize SDG 16+ at all levels
3. Connect
To connect civil society to key global processes and national stakeholders, and showcase the leadership role of civil society in advancing SDG16
Campaign Priorities
Justice & Rule of Law
Inclusion, Civic Space & Human Rights
Institutions & Accountability
Interlinkages & Financing
Join the #SDG16Now Campaign Community
Join a growing community of partners engaging in activities to advance SDG16+
Showcase your work for SDG16+
All around the world, people are taking a leadership role in acting for #SDG16Now. Show your commitment by telling us what you’re doing in your community to foster more peaceful, just and inclusive societies to become a part of the action!
Campaign Partners
The #SDG16Now Campaign includes a wide range of civil society partners from around the world working to advance SDG16+.
TAP Network
The Transparency, Accountability, and Participation (TAP) Network is a broad international coalition of civil society organizations (CSOs) working together to advance SDG16+ to promote peace, justice, and inclusive societies, and to help enhance accountability for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).