#SDG16Now at the SDG Summit
In September 2023, Heads of States from across the world will convene for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Summit (SDG Summit). Through the #SDG16Now Campaign, civil society, governments, UN agencies, philanthropic groups and the private sector will work together to ensure that the SDG Summit catalyzes action to create more peaceful, just and inclusive societies though Sustainable Development Goal 16 (SDG16+). Join the campaign or endorse targeted actions to support transformative commitments and renewed resourcing for SDG16+ in the lead up to the 2023 SDG Summit.
Explore the #SDG16Now Engagement and Mobilization Toolkit!

Engage at the Global Level
Join us at the SDG Summit to mobilize around our objectives to #ShareIt, #PledgeIt and #DemandIt for SDG16+. Find out more information, sample messages and promotional materials at our Engagement and Mobilization Toolkit Trello Board.

Support the SDG16+ Global Day of Action
On September 21 — International Peace Day — #SDG16NOW members, champions, and friends will call for action by global leaders on SDG16+ by showcasing the importance of peace, justice, inclusion, and strong institutions as critical drivers to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Engage at the National Level
In addition to mobilizing at the global level around the 2023 SDG Summit in New York, the #SDG16Now Campaign will also look to leverage and mobilize the extensive and far-ranging reach and impact of civil society partners at the regional, national and local levels.
How to Engage with the #SDG16Now Campaign at the SDG Summit
#SDG16Now Engagement Toolkit Trello Board
This Trello Board -- #SDG16Now Engagement and Mobilization Toolkit for the SDG Summit week -- provides suggested actions to join our voices to influence the outcomes of the SDG Summit by focusing on the objectives of #ShareIt, #PledgeIt and #DemandIt.
#SDG16+ Communique
The #SDG16Now Campaign has launched a collective âCommuniqueâ outlining the campaignâs âcall-to-actionâ around the 2023 SDG Summit. The âCommuniqueâ features insights and top-line priorities related to the campaignâs objectives around scaling up political commitments and leveraging financing to support SDG16+ implementation, and fostering a greater recognition of the indispensable role of civil society around SDG16+.
SDG16+ Global Day of Action on Thursday, 21 September
The SDG16+ Global Day of Action aims to showcase the importance of SDG16+ to global leaders, including peace, justice, inclusion and strong institutions as critical drivers to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The #SDG16Now Campaign members call for action on the SDG16+ Communique recommendations.
In addition to mobilizing at the global level around the 2023 SDG Summit in New York, the #SDG16Now Campaign will also look to leverage and mobilize the extensive and far-ranging reach and impact of civil society partners at the regional, national and local levels. Recognizing that real action and change happens at the national and local levels, the campaign will provide opportunities for engagement that allow for key partners to contribute to advancing campaign objectives in their own contexts and localities.
Follow Us & Our Partners at the SDG Summit
Join the #SDG16Now Campaign and our partners during the SDG Summit and UNGA 78 High-Level Week for SDG16+ related events. Spotlight your own event on the #SDG16Now Trello board and engagement calendar through the link below.
Join the #SDG16Now Campaign
Join a growing community of partners engaging in activities to advance SDG16+